
Your donations to the
Mansfield Shelter Friends
are used for the care of the animals.

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We love hearing how shelter cats and dogs do in their new homes. If you have a happy ending story you'd like to share about an animal that came from the Mansfield Shelter, please e-mail the story to us at and attach a digital photo if possible.


To see Happy Endings from last year, CLICK HERE.

Maggie home 2021Maggie

Maggie is doing great, she's settling in very nicely and isn't very shy at all. We were surprised to see her become extremely affectionate from the day we brought her home. She has a small covered cat bed she sleeps in, but she comes out for pets when one of us is with her. We're slowly introducing her to the rest of the house and our other cat. They've met under our supervision, but still seem a bit nervous around each other, so we're taking it very slowly.
Liz & John

Lucky home 2021



Lucky (on the left) and his big sister Ava (both former shelter residents) donned their best Christmas sweaters to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! 

Rocket and Nebula home 2021


Rocket and Nebula

Renamed Harlow and Hendrix, and doing well in their new home.

Diggory home 2021



 Diggory is settling in well. Still learning how to play with toys ( and not hands!) but can also be quite the snuggler. He is catching on quickly to cat tricks— touch, sit, enter the carrier. Still some work to do on handling but are getting there.


kitty blue eyes home 2021


Kitty Blue Eyes

Doing well, like she's always been here.



Gucci home 2021



All is going great with Gucci/Bruno (we think that might be his new name?). He’s such a love and is confident, curious and open. He’s fitting in perfectly.

All best,

Shock home 2021


Shock aka Zeke

I wanted to share a photo I took a bit ago of our darling Zeke resting in a sunlight pool. He is such a joy to our family! A most Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and blessings on all your efforts at the shelter.
Courtney Schaad

AnyaAnya home 2021

She is doing really well! She is eating well.  My roommates absolutely adore her! She’s been hiding under my bed a lot the past week, but has ventured into my roommates room and into the living room yesterday. Here is a recent photo (I found her in my bed the other day looking so cute!)


Callista home a 2021CallistaCallista home b 2021

Callista is doing very well!  The first few days she was quite timid. As soon as she got out of her carrier the first day she hid in our apartment closet (nice and dark in there so she probably felt safer).  By night time she was out and about, being affectionate, exploring, and playing.  Callista likes to hang out with us in the living room while we work from home and sit by the kitchen whenever we make dinner. She definitely enjoys her privacy during the day as she naps, but each day she has been spending more time out and about around the apartment, especially in the mornings and later evenings.
We are so happy with her!! She is so sweet and affectionate and loves to play. She makes our days so much better and is the best addition to our home.
- Callista C.

Allery officeAlleryAllery and friend

Allery (now called Skittles) has been adjusting to our home very well. She and Bodhi are slowly getting to each other (see the attached pic of them eating together). Skittles really loves to play with us and be cozy, and she follows us around the house. We feel very lucky to have her in our family!
Best wishes,
Alison and Igor

CallieCallie w friend home 2021

Callie home 2021Callie's doing great, she's very sweet! She and Sadie (the dog) really like each other a lot. Callie has already taken over all of the dog beds in the house!  
Take care,

Beatrice home 2021


Beatrice now know as Lucy is great.  She has blended with our family wonderfully. 

Peppercorn home 2021

Peppercorn aka Rocco

Thank you wonderful shelter volunteers. Peppercorn is now (meaningful family name) ROCCO which is appropriate given he is SOLID AS A ROCK!!!!!!!!!! He absolutely LOVES his forever home on Cape Cod!!! He devours his meals, runs laps indoors, pounces like a panther, and has a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH per vet. Coccodia parasite eliminated with antibiotics. He is SWEET but FEISTY and I am so GLAD it is me who jumped in to give him a roomy home, big heart and thick skin (for "love scratches" and "love bites")  PERFECT MATCH - Thank You for your care prior to my taking him Over The Bridge for a New Beginning! What a JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Duff_Gordon home 2021

Duff and Gordon

Duff (now Coconut) and Gordon (now Otis) are settling in nicely! They love to play and sound like elephants chasing each other down the hall! They see the vet on the 30th for their 2nd distemper.


Rizzoli Isles home 2021Rizzoli and Isles

Thank you for checking in!  It's been a fun and slightly crazy week, and everyone is settling in very well.
Rizzoli (the longer-haired kitten) is much more bold and curious.  He was ready to get out of their separate room before his brother, and he has enjoyed exploring our house.  His brother likes to take things a little more slowly and will often retreat to a cat condo or other enclosed space to watch the activity from a distance, but he also does plenty of exploring.
Our oldest cat Felix, is a very even-tempered guy and has adjusted to the kittens with little difficulty.  Isles has started following him around, and has even briefly licked/groomed him a couple of times. Our middle cat (Hexie) is slower to warm up and will still hiss if she comes upon them unexpectedly, but we've noticed the past couple of days that she is starting to become more comfortable around them.
We are delighted to have them as members of our family! 
- Amy

Chilli 2021Chili

I just wanted to give you an update on Chili. He’s been the sweetest most affectionate kitten since the day we got him. He is best friends with our dog Harley. Chili has his own bed but he likes Harley’s bed. Harley will squeeze in next to him as you can see from the photo. We could tell that the shelter and all the volunteers took such good care of him. We love and adore him.

Kelly Quinn

Peanut Butter home 2021

Peanut Butter

Thanks again for everything, Peanut Butter is getting settled in. He doing great, already eating and getting pet in between bites. Kids love it, and he’s great with them.


Ralphy home 2021


"Ralphy", who we renamed Calvin is doing great. He is happy, eating lots and running around--full of energy. We have kept him separate, in my boys room and that has worked out fine. We have introduced him with our older kitty Denver every day.and it has gone well. Calvin actually hisses at Denver!! Denver is very good with Calvin. We have a vet visit scheduled on 9/21 for his second shot at the Mansfield Animal Hospital. He is a wonderful addition to our family
Thank you


Wopsel home 2021


Wopsel is now known as Mac. He has adjusted well. Timba and Mac are slowly getting to know each other but are still vocalizing. We enjoy having him in our home.

- Allison and Carlo

Luciano home 2021



Luciano now known as Riley is doing very well.  We have been taking the introductions slow as he will not be neutered until the 7th.  During his supervised visits with his sisters there have been a little hissing but then walk away.  He is already adjusting to our automatic litter robot which took our other cats some time to start using. 

-Lori and Steve

Squid at home 2021



Brewer (aka Squid) is doing great and is the most playful, loving little kitten. We are in love!



Zira with sandal 2021Zira

Zira is doing great!  She's adjusting nicely, she's a very curious and friendly kitten! Zira (who we've renamed Ciara) went to the vet yesterday.  She got her 2nd distemper shot, and her stool sample has come back negative for worms.  Apparently she's eating a lot because she's a growing kitten --  she weighs just over 3 pounds now. She loves sleeping with footwear, and also loves chasing her own tail!


Mr Wilson home 2021

Mr. Wilson

Mr. Wilson is doing very well. We call him "Cherokee" because, despite his past obstacles, he is a strong survivor who has persevered like the Cherokee people and the Cherokee language, and he continues to thrive. Thus far, Cherokee's favorite activities are standing guard on his window perch, looking out windows, feeling the breeze on his face, playing with his cat toys, and then doing yoga stretches on the kitchen floor.
Thank you Mansfield Animal Shelter for making our family complete with our Fur Baby Kitty, "Cherokee."

Blessings for Pets Waiting for Families,

Linda and Tito

Robinette home 2021


Just a little note to say ,that we are so in love with Michi (Robinette).  We just love her soo much! Thank you for letting us be her adoptive family!


Curry home 2021


Curry, we now call him Bodie, is doing quite well. Here is a picture of him laying in his new bed. He has his 2nd distemper shot scheduled for 8/14. Bodie is quite a feisty little fellow and loves to give head butts.


Jack Sally home 2021

Jack and Sally

Just wanted to thank you all at the shelter and the kittens foster mom for bringing Jack and Sally to our family.  They have settled right in and are as sweet as can be!


Chanterelle home 2021



 Althea (I renamed her) is doing well and adjusting fine. She has the run of the house and gets all the attention she wants.


Yuri home 2021Yuri aka Storm

Storm (ne้ Yuri) is adjusting wonderfully to his forever home, and settling right in as a member of our family! He loves his human companions, and is lots of fun and very playful. He is also a super-snuggler and will curl right up next to your heart and purrrrrr away to his hearts content.  He will take a trip to the Mansfield Veterinary Health Clinic this coming Tuesday for his checkup and 2nd distemper shot. We are so very happy and grateful for this loving addition to our family! 

Sincerely, the Nielsens

Peachy home 2021


Peachy (now Millie) is doing awesome! She has acclimated to our house very well. She is eating, drinking, peeing, pooping and sleeping great too! She has lots of energy and loves to play with all her toys. We are completely in love with her ! We have her first Vet appointment scheduled for Monday, July 26th - so she will be on schedule for her next vaccinations that are due etc  So happy to have her as a member of our family!

Spikey home 2021


Thank you so much for Spikey he is wonderful, playful, and very loving. He has met Red and they are doing great. Red will let's him eat his breakfast sometimes, because Spikey sometimes wants to try his food. 
 We named him Grayson, he is eating great. His vet appointment scheduled for the 29th.

-Lauren and Gregg

Button Enoki home 2021

Button and Enoki

Our kids renamed them Thor and Loki after Marvel comics brothers, and they are really feeling at home now.  Both have been eating and drinking regularly, and have made our house their home.  They are very active, love all toys, and looking out the windows.  They make us laugh all the time! They have their appointment booked for their second distemper shot on the 21st of this month.
Thanks so much,



Twiggy home 2021

Twiggy aka Fern

She is doing beautifully. Her new name is Fern. She has already gained 1/2 lb and is ruling the house.



Razor Remi home 2021

Razor and Remi

Just wanted you to see Razor and Remy in their new forever home.  They’re so sweet! 

Tommy Girl home 2021

Tommy Girl

  I just wanted to update you on TommyGirl and let you know she is settling well into her new home


EllaBella 2021


Ella was adopted earlier this year. She returned to the shelter for a visit, to let us know how happy she is in her new home, and with her new name of Bella. She is pictured here with shelter volunteer Wendi Levine.

Eminem Rihana home 2021

Eminem and Rihana

Things are going very well…they are just so sweet and adorable! Here’s a picture of them lounging around . . .  such a tough life!

Mack home 2021


Just wanted you guys to know Mack already has a special toy.


Paprika home 2021


It has been going great! She was a bit shy and sleepy for the first few days, but we’ve introduced her to the rest of our first floor and she’s playing and running around now. We have her first vet appointment tomorrow.



Soy 2021


He is adjusting well! We changed his name to Yeti. He and our other cat Gracie are becoming more comfortable with each other. They have had positive interactions and have starting to play some with supervision. He likes to copy what she does. We scheduled his next vet appointment for July 13th. He is a sweet boy.

Chris Lupien

Leslie Patches 2021

Leslie and Patches

Two senior cat are making themselves at home in the loving home they found for their golden years.

Dominick 2021


Dominick has been settled in since day 2, and he and Kodi are doing very well. Thank you for BOTH!
I’ve attached a few pictures of Dominick (Nicky). He is absolutely amazing, and attached to both Karen and me equally.


Seth home 2021



Our sweetheart Seth is settling into our home, he loves his “cozy cave.” ��

Thank you for everything!

Liz and family

Josephina home 2021



We actually call her Sunny now, we renamed her Sunflower. She is great! She still spends most of her time in my daughter's bedroom. I can tell she came from a really great foster home because she is just so sweet and good tempered.


Sarah Jane home 2021

Sarah Jane

She is adjusting really well! She has been hanging with us, eating well, and using her litter box. She is super cuddly.
Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt her. She really completes our little family.

Amelia home a 2021Amelia

I just wanted to share a few pictures of Amelia in her new home. Amelia loves to snuggle, play with her toys, and has even claimed her favorite chair. She’s so sweet, and this past week with her has been so fun!


Stardust home 2021

Stardust (cat)

We are happy to let you know that Stardust has nicely settled down in our home. She is also getting along much better with Savanna.

Millhouse aka Rocky 2021Millhouse aka Rocky

Millhouse was found outside in the snow on a cold February night. The kind family who found him contacted the shelter, and we took the almost frozen to death cat to Tufts for treatment. Millhouse recovered beautifully, was adopted, and is now in a loving home. His new owner reports that he has put on weight, is a lap cat, and she loves him very much.

Dandi home 2021DandiDandi home b 2021

It’s going great. She’s become more curious/ adventurous each day. She LOVES playing- especially with Steve. And in the evening she joins me on the couch ❤️

Derry 2021



Slowly but surely Nessa (Derry) is warming up to her new home.  She just started lying on a pillow we placed near her hiding spot. We are planning to get a cat tree soon and expect that it will broaden her horizons even more. The progress is slow but we're pleased with the trend. She's lovely!

Sasha home 2021


Sasha relaxing in her new  home.

AJ home 2021


Thanks so much for hooking us up with A.J.   He's wonderful, sweet and gentle - and he's settling in like he's been with us all his life after just one day!   Really, he's so-o-o-o sweet - already stretching out with us on the couch - and in bed last night, just loving getting patted all the time and having his head scratched, kicking his toy mice all around, etc.   Thanks again, and keep up the good work!
Joe Saurino


Robin Jay home 2021

Robin and Jay

We have named these two new babes Sebastian and Samantha, and they are thriving. Sebastian is definitely the more sociable and engaging one while Samantha remains a little more shy. They are playful with each other and with us. They love catnip and treats!  We have a cat tower that they took too immediately and use that for scratching instead of the couch. They love our kids and took right away to sleeping in their rooms and responding very well to paying with them. It really feels like a hole has been filled in our family and we are so glad Sebastian and Samantha are a part of our little tribe. Thanks for your help facilitating their adoption.
Be safe, be well,
Matt Jacobson

Celie home 2021


Cailie (formerly Celie) is having a great time.  She loves to sprint in circles in the backyard, go for long walks, play with her toys and eat!  She also has attended numerous zoom meetings and Google meets and we think that she loves to hear the sounds of people talking.  She has been a true gift.


O'Malley home 2021


 I had the pleasure of adopting O'MALLEY  in September with the help of Lori Zola. He is a thriving happy boy, who has brought much love and fun to his new family.

Riesling home 2021


Just wanted to let you know that Winnie (formerly Riesling) is doing so well! She is about six months old now and is still just a little peanut, but she is happy and healthy and she is getting spayed on Tuesday! She has become so attached to me, I honestly could not have asked for a more sweet, loving little cat. She spends her days perched on my shoulder or sleeping in my lap, and we are so grateful to have her!



Morena 2021 home


I just wanted to let you know that Morena is doing great! My daughter, Jaida has a new friend!  Morena is a joy!  I attached a pic for you to see them together, they even sleep alike! I’ve set up her 1st appointment  for her 2nd distemper shot on 2/27.
I just wanted to say Thank You!

Thanks again,

Dewdrop home 2021


It has only been roughly 2 days since Dewdrop has come home with me but she is slowly coming out of her shell! She has shown she might be a lap cat after all. She is eating her meals and using the litter box like a queen. Dewdrop has shown she loves her scratch pad and sometimes is interested with a ribbon toy. Thank you for matching me and Dewdrop (nickname Dewy). She's perfect in every way!
- Edora

Milo home 2021


Milo has been an absolute treasure! I’m quite surprised how well he has adjusted to the family/kids. He’s extremely patient and kind with the kids & we absolutely love him! He’s adjusted quickly and within the following day was comfortable enough to roam around the house He’s an absolute cuddle bug.

Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc.
PO Box 25, Mansfield, MA 02048
Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc.
is a 501(c)(3) Corporation.
Your donations are tax deductible. 

Mansfield Animal Shelter
175 Fruit Street, Mansfield, MA 02048

(This is not a mailing address.)
Tel: (508) 261-7339

Or webmaster:

Visiting Hours
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday: 
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Closed Tuesday
Sat  & Sun: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Copyright © 2021 Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc