
Your donations to the
Mansfield Shelter Friends
are used for the care of the animals.

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We love hearing how shelter cats and dogs do in their new homes. If you have a happy ending story you'd like to share about an animal that came from the Mansfield Shelter, please e-mail the story to us at and attach a digital photo if possible.


To see Happy Endings from previous years, CLICK HERE.

Pixie 2024

Pixie (on right)

Pixie has fit right in. She gets along well with her new sister, Sage, and took no time adjusting to her new environment.

Constitution and Jesse

Constitution and Jesse

Constitution and Jesse, whom we have named Oswald and Alfred, are doing great in their new home. Ozzie is slowly becoming more comfortable around people and comes more out of his shell each day. He absolutely loves playing with his brother Alfie. They have the time of their lives running around the house in the middle of the night and have more toys than they know what to do with.
-Ryan and Victoria

Luka home 2024


Luka is doing well. He has his favorite hiding spots that he spends most of his day in. When he wants company he is extremely loving & affectionate but still very skittish with some sudden movements/noises. He’s adjusting to our routines well & letting us sleep at night. Luka has the run of the house now & likes to explore & play.  He’s a sweet boy.  No litter box issues.  Thank you for all your help to make Luka part of my family. 
Best regards, Nathalie

Toby lap 2024


Toby w friends

Alex and Stewie

Alex w Stewie home 2024

Sending updated picture of the boys we adopted in February.  Doing very well keep us entertained.
-The Duvals

Darren home 2024

Darren b 2024


Aroma home 2024


Just wanted to send a few photos of Aroma aka Bellatrix or Bella for short. She is getting used to her new home and older fur brother is getting used to the idea of having a new sibling. She even got to try some kitten treats! We are so appreciative for this new fur baby. Thank you all for caring for her while she waited to come home.

Dusty home 2024


Dusty is doing fantastic!!  He spent the first 5 days in my husband's office getting used to all of us. The dog is in love with him and just wants to be in the same room as Dusty and watch him. Dusty is so funny and curious. He is a healthy eater and loves to dig in his litter box. We are all in love!  He has a vet appt booked for his next vaccine on schedule! 

Myrtle home 2024


We are all doing great - she is so sweet & my dog is really being sweet right back.

Nicholas  home 2024


Nicholas is doing very well! We have renamed him and now call him Milo. He has been so much fun and loves to play and take naps in the sun!

Violet 2024Violet spay suit


She is doing wonderful! We have since renamed her Goose ,because she really is a silly goose. She has her first vet visit next week. She cuddles me at night and plays all day. She has certainly stolen everyone in my families hearts with her constant purrs and silly antics. I attached some pictures of her catching her first "kill" ( a rabbit fur toy) and her all snuggled up. (On right: Violet in spay suit.) Thank you,

Tarin home w toy 2024TarinTarin home 2024

Earle (aka Tarin) is doing great! He and Birdie are getting along just fine. Earle has settled in beautifully! We are in love with him…I'm not getting much done these days…just watching Earle and Birdie play all day is great entertainment. Here are a few pics!
Kind regards,
Bill & Heidi

Stormy home 2024


Stormy is slowly adjusting to her new home and family as expected. She is a sweet little girl and a great addition to our family. Thank you for giving her the chance to live with us in a loving secure home.

All my best Jane

Imogen w Tatiana 2024

Imogen & Tatiana

Imogen (black) and Tatiana (tiger) are settling in to their new home

TTennessee home 2024ennesseeTennessee w Frazzle 2024

Overall it's been a busy but amazing week! We are totally in love with her. She falls asleep on my shoulder and loves to be held. My daughter was really hoping for a kitten that would be snuggly and sit with us on the sofa at night, and she is already doing that and more. My daughter picked a new name: Little Mischief (nickname Little Miss.)
Thank you so much for your help with everything!


Violet home 2024


Violet is settling in nicely!
Thank you we love her already!
- Nicole

Midnight Oreo home 2024

Midnight Oreo

After only 24 hours, Midnight has settled in nicely and LOVES to be cuddled. Here he is taking a nap with Fred.
Thank you so much for taking such good care of him.

Carol and Fred

BiggieBiggie home 2 2024

 Biggie home 1 2024Biggie is settling in very well. Today is day 3 at our house. He roamed around the house all night. Whenever someone was up at night, he came running up the stairs to say “Hi” and then raced back downstairs. This morning, he allowed Carol to pick him up and carry him around the house looking out all the windows, purring the whole time. When I got up, he met me halfway down the stairs for me to pat him. He now follows us around the house crying to be patted. Biggie is currently looking out the glass screen door watching the birds land on the front steps.  Biggie will fit into our family very well, on his terms. That is fine since he is a cat.
- Rick & Carol

Chippy_Kiku home 2024Chippy and Kiku

They are doing great! We have already scheduled Chippy next vaccination and Kiku is less shy. She sleeps with us in the bed and loves when we pet her.  Chippy still very extroverted, and loves playing with my little brother.

Potato home 2024 aPotatoPotato home 2024 b

Potato (now Mochi) transitioned perfectly into his new home. From day one, he was laying on us making biscuits and very eager to explore his new space. He is the sweetest little kitty and everyone in our home absolutely loves him! Especially his new brother, they have already bonded after a couple of weeks. Thank you again for making this happen! Here are some photos of Potato enjoying his new home.

Diana_Orb Home 2024

Diana and Orb

Orb is still very shy but is gradually coming out of his shell and responds well to food and play.  Once in a great while he allows me (only me) to scratch his neck and ears and when I do, he purrs loudly.
Diana is VERY affectionate and at this moment is purring on my lap while I write this. She doesn't let me out of her sight and she loves to play with everyone here including her brother.

Poof - Mouse home 2024

Poof and Mouse

Poof (botton) and Mouse (top) in their new home.

Penny Lane _Charlie Mae 2024

Penny Lane & Charlie Mae

Penny and Charlie were surrendered together, adopted together, and here they are snuggling together in their new home.

Casey home 2024


She is the best!


Orange home 2024 windowOrangeOrange home 2024

We now call Orange, Julius or, Jules. He is doing well settling in nicely. He’s definitely playful and friendly a bit skittish, but slowly getting over that.

Skiddles home 2024


Hello Mary and Shelter Friends,
Skittles is all settled and doing amazing!  She loves to play and loves to follow us all around the house. Her favorite thing of all is to nudge small items off the table and countertop.  
We are so grateful to have her.

clifford home 2024CliffordClifford w Finn

Clifford (who we have renamed Percy), is doing great! He is very curious, playful & cuddly. He likes to keep one of us in view when he's awake,  but when he's ready to sleep he looks for Finn.  Finn has adjusted to having Percy much faster then we expected! The first couple of days Finn wasn't happy, but by the third day he would let Percy approach him & by the fifth day they were playing & sleeping together.  He's a wonderful kitten.

Mimi home 2024


Mimi is doing very well in our home. I really think she likes it here. You're right in that she doesn't really approach you for affection, but she's gradually letting us pet her more – usually when she's sleepy. She likes playtime and especially chasing a ribbon around. We got her a big cat tree and set it up in our living room. She has really taken to it and likes to rest at the top. She also likes to rest in the sun by our patio door. We have a nice bed for her there too. We set up our second bedroom for her at nighttime, where we have her food and water and litterbox. She doesn't drink much water, so we've been adding water to her wet food. Mimi has a good appetite, so she gets her water that way. But still we set out bowls of water for her and change it often.
Best regards,

Alex Stewie  home 2024

Alex and Stewie

They are so sweet and full of fun.  Moe (aka Stevie) seems to be the trouble maker, very cuddly and gives kisses. Joe (aka Alex) follows me everywhere I go and loves attention.  They are so sweet together from chasing each other or cuddling together. They are full of personality and we have fallen in love.
Dorothy & John

Sapphire home 2024


I wanted to send you an update about Sapphire. After only a week, she is loving her new home. After only a few days, she has decided it is her place. Not only that, it isn't my bed; it's hers. She is very affectionate and loves to cuddle.
In a very short time, I have fallen in love with my little void baby, and I believe I made the correct decision in adopting her.

Jim home 2 2024


Jim is doing really well - he is so playful, energetic and vocal. He has a big cat tree that he really likes. 



Melba home 2024


Yara (formerly Melba) is doing amazing in her new home and has adjusted so well!! Yara spends her days between napping in her tower and playing. Yara is super affectionate and cuddly, even with new family members and friends she just met. Yara is fascinated with her bells and adores her feather string. Yara sleeps at the top of my daughter pillow, either on top of her head or between her shoulder and neck all snuggled up! I believe we made a good choice in picking Yara!! Our family is now complete!!
Thank you,
Hibak Farah

Tuna home 2024


Hello! I just wanted to provide an update about Tuna.  She has warmed up to us very quickly and we fell in love with her playful personality. She loves looking out the window and runs to the door to greet us when we come home. She loves to hang out around us and even sleeps on top of us at night.
-Kierran and Julia

Tulip home 2024


Tulip has been slowly adjusting to her new home and is doing quite well. Although initially she would hide from me, she has slowly come out of her shell, and will purr and rub against my legs. She follows me around and meows and sometimes I can give her a quick pat but she isn’t quite ready yet to be picked up, etc. She is now willing to lie on the floor and expose her tummy, which we know is a great compliment from a cat. I think I made a good choice picking her and she has the potential to be a very affectionate cat.
-Mary Anne

Gelato 2024 home


I wanted to send photos along of Gelato (my kids named him Oliver). I am surprised on how well he transitioned into our home. He is so loving and affectionate. He sleeps on my pillow on my head at night and loves to cuddle. He is extremely active and loves to play. He is already running around the house like he owns it!

Martin  home 2024


Justin wanted to say hello from Martin. He’s doing great. He has made our family complete. Thank you again!
Krystn Gustafson and Family

Skiddles home 1


Skittles is doing very well. She’s getting settled and exploring the house and even helping to catch a ladybug from the bathroom wall! She is a delight and we adore her to pieces already.

Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc.
PO Box 25, Mansfield, MA 02048
Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc.
is a 501(c)(3) Corporation.
Your donations are tax deductible. 

Mansfield Animal Shelter
175 Fruit Street, Mansfield, MA 02048

(This is not a mailing address.)
Tel: (508) 261-7339

Or webmaster:

Visiting Hours
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday: 
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Closed Tuesday
Sat  & Sun: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Copyright © 2021 Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc