
Your donations to the
Mansfield Shelter Friends
are used for the care of the animals.

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We love hearing how shelter cats and dogs do in their new homes. If you have a happy ending story you'd like to share about an animal that came from the Mansfield Shelter, please e-mail the story to us at and attach a digital photo if possible.


To see Happy Endings from last year, CLICK HERE.

Chanel 1ChanelChanel 2

Just wanted to give you all a Christmas update on Chanel. She fits into this household perfectly. She is so sweet, lovable, and a cuddlebug. Training is going very well, even though she has her off days. The first day she was already sitting on command. I don’t know if she already knew that, but if she didn’t, she learned quick.  She always wants to be next to someone. When I'm not home she is usually cuddled up on the couch sleeping with my mom. She is very gentle, loves getting and giving kisses. When she wants attention you can expect a poke with her nose. Thank you so much for taking great care of her!

Efa 1      Efa aka MillieEfa 3

Efa (who we’re calling Millie) has been doing great settling in here despite some growing pains with the dogs. She loves exploring her new house, claiming every windowsill for herself, and finding all of the nooks and crannies she can wriggle into (including bookshelves full of books, where she likes to lie on top of the stacks. It’s been so lovely having her here, and it’s been awesome to see her getting to be her playful and energetic self as she chases her new toy mice and wand/ribbon toys around.


Weller 1

Weller aka Sam

Weller is doing fantastic! He just hit 40 pounds, we are so interested to see how big he is going to get, he has very long legs. Weller has gotten to experience so many new places in the last few months. He enjoys his toys, treats, other dogs, snuggling, and watching the bird feeder. He graduated from puppy kindergarten in November.
The Fortiers

Weller 2

Rosie and Queenie

They seem to be settling in quite well. They are wonderful cats. Very affectionate and very sweet.
 We are enjoying their company and glad to have them in our home.
-Suzanne and Melissa

Rosie home 2022
Rosie Queenie home 2022
Queenie home 2022

Belle home 1 2022



Adjusting well
in  her new home.

Belle home 2022

Sunny home 2022SunnySunny home 2022 xmas

She has settled in very nicely. She is a queen bee!  She is really happy here, very quick to learn where things are, great with her litter box.  Eating up a storm as well.  Oh yes, and jumping on our laps for pets . She also came up on the bed during the night!
 Many thanks to the shelter for taking such good care of her.  We feel fortunate to have found both Mansfield Shelter and Sunny.
Sue & Dan

Flubber Zuzu home 2022

Flubber and Zuzu

Here is the latest of Flubber & Zuzu's Settling In Process! We are really enjoying them. They are precious!

-Kristine and Al


alpha home 2022

Just wanted you to know Alpha is settling in well. He is a very nice cat and seems happy in his new home. Thanks again to  the staff for getting him ready and letting us adopt him.

Dori Dash 2022



Dori and Dash

Dash and Dori are settled in here at home. They say Hi!!


Dixon home 2022DixonDixon and buddy

Just a short note and some photos to show you how quickly Dixon has bonded with the family.  He and our Korean Jindo, Lovey, get along famously !

Terri and Billy Beale

Lotus home 2022
LotusLotus and friend 2022

Lotus is doing great!  She is so cuddly. She follows us around the house and cuddles up as soon as we sit down. She and Hunter, our other cat, are doing pretty well!  They chase each other around the house all the time, but it seems like they are playing. There is no hissing. They like to sit together in the door and watch the bunnies in the yard.
Thank you again!

Jasmina 2022

Just wanted to let you know everything is going great with Jasmina. She's been very sweet and has warmed up to everyone in a short amount of time. She's eating well and has had a few introductions to our other cat without any major issues.
Thanks again!

Lennie home 2022


Back to front: Ramsey, Lenny, and Jasper (Ronnie)

Jasper (Ronnie) and Lenny were both adopted from the Mansfield Animal Shelter.  Lenny is settling in well with his 12 year old brothers. Jasper was Lenny’s age when we adopted him from Mansfield.   Ramsey was also adopted but from the Attleboro animal shelter 12 years ago.  Lenny is a great addition to our family.  He’s fitting in very well! ❤️

- Colleen

Sam home 2022


Hi Mansfield Animal Shelter,
We adopted “Sam” now Weller one of the Griffon/Poodle puppies 9/2. We love him so much! He has enjoyed going on daily trail hikes, boating the south coast, and snuggling on our couch.
Thank you!

-Sasja and Mason

Citronella home 2022

Just updating that Citronella “Ella” is adjusting well to her new home. She is so playful and snuggly. Her big sister cat Luna is still a bit skeptical about her but has made exponential progress just in the last 12 hours. And Ella’s 2nd distemper+rabies shot has been scheduled for mid Oct as of this morning.
Thank you again!

- Natalie

Windy home 1Windy

I just wanted to share some pictures of Windy settling in to her new home! She is adjusting great and seems very happy and content. Thank you for all your Windy home 2help in her adoption!


Juno home a 2022JunoJuno home b 2022

Juno is such a love and a super sweet girl!! I adore her, she’s a little love bug. She settled in right away when we got home on Sunday. She’s playing her little heart out and cuddled up next to me when it was time for bed last night. So happy to have her!!!

tamatao home 2TamataoTamatao home box 2022

 Sending you some pictures of Rocky (Tamatao). He has adjusted very well here at home and is doing great!

tamatao home 3


Hatter home 2022Hi  Hatter w friend
He’s doing really well. I named him Jasper! And yes he’s met Gypsy!  It took a few days of slowly introducing them and Gypsy was scared of him at first, but now seems to enjoy his company (except when he is constantly going after her tail lol). But he’s a goofy ball of energy and I’d say she definitely likes having a friend to play with. At first she would hiss and run away from him. He was in a separate room when I first brought him home and I let Gypsy see him but then she wouldn’t even come near that side of the house. I ended up putting Jasper in a crate for a little one day so they could see each other and Gypsy slowly approached him on and off/kept running away and coming back. I eventually started letting him out for short periods of time so they could interact and then would put him back in.  Once Gypsy seemed less scared I let him out for good and they seem to have worked things out. By last Thursday they were both out and around each other full time.  I caught them sleeping next to each other the other day, and have caught them cleaning each other. He is a little fireball and seems to be able to hold his own pretty well.

Soprano and Benedict home

Benedict and Soprano

I thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of how well Benedict and Soprano are doing!  They are wonderful and we have been enjoying them so much. I've actually renamed them: Benedict is now Sokka and Soprano is now Katara.  They are both so sweet and are adjusting well too the dog! Katara has adopted the dog as her new mom!

Christine Cadorette

Lainey home 2022Lainey

Hello! Lainey has been adjusting very well since we brought her home on Saturday. She was eating and using the litter box from day 1. She was a little jittery as expected, but she is definitely a lot more comfortable now and has even started playing with some toys. She is extremely curious about everything, and has set up "her spot" in the staircase. At night, she can be very vocal, but we understand that it might be because she is in heat. Overall, she is such a joy and loves to be pet. We can't wait to see more of her personality as she becomes more comfortable here. 

-Marissa and Stephen

Louisa and Willie

Louisa and Willie home 2022

Hi  Mansfield Team-
Louisa and Willie did great with their transition. The love their wet kitten food and dry kitten food. They are using the litter box like champs- there are two but as soon as one goes in the other follows. It took Willie a couple of days to feel comfortable and now he doesn't hide. They have had many visitors - they are well behaved never nippy with our fingers. They are obsessed with our toes. And with Dunkin' Donuts drinks and straws. They love to wrestle with eac hother. Thank you - they are well socialized and a great addition to our household.

Marialisa and Daria

Bacon  home 2022

Bacon is the sweetest little kitten ever. He loves to cuddle, and he is always purring. He sleeps on my shoulder every night too! Bacon and big sister Amelia are getting along so wonderfully; they love to play tag, nap together, and play together will all their toys. I’m so happy he’s part of our little family!

Foxy home 2022

Four years ago I lost my precious Frodo a long- haired orange tabby. Finally decided I needed a new companion. Through petfinder I saw Foxy. I knew he was the one. Very friendly when I visited him. When he came home he hid, but by the afternoon he had made himself at home.


Hello! Our family adopted our cat, Riley, (known by the shelter as Cassidy) in October 2005. Just wanted to give you an update. She is still the queen of the castle and definitely keeps the younger ones in line, including the dog. Recently she has developed a thyroid issue, hence the thinness, but we are working with the vet and otherwise she is great! Thanks for all your hard work! We wouldn't have changed a moment of the past 16 1/2 years!


Macho (now Wesley) is doing very well and has fit right in, he's taken well to training and loves his walks. Everyone who has met him so far has fallen in love and he's done the same with everyone he's met. Just wanted to let everyone know how he's doing, and appreciate the help and information from the shelter.

Macho b 2022Macho a 2022

Gregory 1_2022GregoryGregory 2_2022

"KING" Gregory has adjusted very nicely to his new home! He is living the dream. Purring all the time. Enjoying belly rubs. Basking in the sun by the door. Drinking from his water fountain. He is so awesome, wonderful and lovable! We love him and he seems to love us. Thanks very much,
-Jeanene and John

Ghost 2 2022Ghost

I renamed Ghost to Chocolate Moose. He seems quite happy and relaxed in his new home. We have settled on a daily routine that works. Well, except for Chocolate being my 5am alarm clock!  Chocolate loves chasing a Jackson Galaxy wand toy I bought him. He also spends a lot of time watching activity outside. Interestingly, nearly every night at approximately 8 pm, he comes to sit next to me as I'm watching TV and "makes biscuits" nonstop, purring madly while I pet him. After about 10 minutes of this, he falls sound asleep. My local vet pronounced him fit and also implanted a chip in him last week.  Please share my thanks with your team for taking such good care of Chocolate during the adoption process! He's a great cat.

Riley and Raney 2022
Riley and Raney

Adjustment has been absolutely amazing . I am totally in love with these two girls and they are spoiled rotten! They are playing, eating, and sleeping so well . Thank you so much for everything, I couldn't be happier!

Apple 2022

Apple is doing super well. She made herself at home almost immediately and I'm happy to report she hasn't rolled in her litter box once. She is super affectionate, loves her scratches, and has had a re-kittening of sorts. By which I mean Apple now can't get enough play time. Her favorite toys are a string from a teaser she chewed the toy off of and a rabbit kicker. During the day Apple can usually be found lounging in her apple tree or ignoring her many beds to hog the comfiest seat on the sofa. Last night she even preformed her first ever zoomies. We adore her and I think she can tell because she has zero awareness when it comes to personal space. Her butt is always in someone's face. Please see attached photo. We call this sleeping position the Apple Turnover.
Thanks for everything,
Roz and Adam

Sophie home 2022

Hi there,

Sophie has been settling in very well! She’s still shy and on high alert, but when she comes out to socialize, she is loving and friendly. She really is a sweet girl. She’s had no trouble using the litter box, her scratching post or eating and is opening up more every day. She’s even slept in bed with us a couple times!

Thanks for all your help and an easy adoption process.

Gina and Steve


Vixen 2 homeVixen home

She’s doing great and we love her SO much! The perfect mix of crazily playful and super cuddly. She’s the perfect little companion for me being at home during the day. She’s just so much fun and such a sweet kitty. She plays hard all day in between her little cat naps and she’s been sleeping with us in bed at night. Thanks so much again for bringing her into our lives!
Kathleen and Brandon

Penny b&w 2022PennyPenny home 2022

Wanted to send you some pictures of Penny (now Pixel). She settled in on day 1 like she has lived here the whole time. She is the sweetest little kitty and loves everyone who comes to our apartment. She is very vocal and purrs non stop�� and loves to wake David up in the morning by licking his face. Her favorite activities are watching our fish, drinking out of the bathroom faucet, batting bottle caps around the floor, and climbing on her cat tree. She is an excellent eater, always curious to see what we are eating as well in case it's for her! She is the queen around here.
Warm regards,
Sarah & David

Rya home 2022


We call her Athena (like the warrior that she is) and she responds. It took her 4 months to explore the house but it’s really comfortable in every room and with us also present in her space. Sometimes she initiates play with Alanis the dog but prefers to play by herself with items that she finds in top of the dinning table. She is crazy about my stepdaughter and likes my husband. She is comfortable with both of them picking her up but with me she is more likely to let me pet her and play with her.
She is perfect, her attitude and personality are showing and she’s very vocal when she wants your attention.

Razor Remi 2022 

Razor and Remi

Miguel and I adopted Fozzy (Razor) and Elliot (Remy) back in July and just wanted to give you an update as to how they are doing. They have brought so much love and companionship to our lives.  They are amazing.  Can’t believe they’re coming up on a year old (10 months already!) they are so funny and loving.  Couldn’t have asked for a better fit to our family.
April Mason


Peridot TopazPeridot and Topaz

Hi folks.
We've attached pictures of Melian and Gandalf (formerly Peridot and Topaz) whom we adopted from you early last summer.We hope that you can share this with their former foster family. They are both hilarious and much loved!
Thank you,

Buzz & Noel

Nora 2022


Nora is adjusting well. She can be talkative and enjoys moving in short bursts of running rather than walking. She purrs pretty much constantly when someone is around but isn't a cuddler (yet, at least!) She's still a little more shy around my roommate but overall they get along well! And she's curious about the guinea pigs but they can also startle her pretty easily.
All the best,

Tyson home 2022

TysonTyson and friend 2022

I changed his name to Maverick. I did a gradual introduction with my other kitten and they are already fast friends. He is very loved. He is up, eating and running around with Bertie this morning. I am so happy I got him, they get along so well. Thanks again and Happy New Year!!
Erin Sullivan.

Aurora Mystique home 2022

Aurora and Mystique

It’s been almost two weeks since Ginny (formally Mystique) and Luna (formally Aurora) joined our family and we couldn't be more in love with them. They are playful, cuddly, sweet, and funny. They are the perfect additions to our family and they are the best fur babies for my kids. Ginny and Luna have so much patience and so much love to give my kids. My children are leaning way into their responsibilities of taking care of two new pets, and of course are so loved with cuddles from everyone.
I just wanted to send my sincerest thank you to everyone at Mansfield Animal Shelter and especially to the people who fostered Ginny and Luna. They were so loved by them and it shows in the way these two kittens are so comfortable with our family.
Thank you-
The Teiner Family

Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc.
PO Box 25, Mansfield, MA 02048
Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc.
is a 501(c)(3) Corporation.
Your donations are tax deductible. 

Mansfield Animal Shelter
175 Fruit Street, Mansfield, MA 02048

(This is not a mailing address.)
Tel: (508) 261-7339

Or webmaster:

Visiting Hours
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Friday: 
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Closed Tuesday
Sat  & Sun: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Copyright © 2021 Mansfield Shelter Friends, Inc